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A member of Excalibur Academies Trust

Redland Green School

KS3 Maths

Mathematics is how we make sense of the physical world. Our intention is to deliver a learning journey that inspires curiosity and enables students to be fluent and confident mathematicians.  All students will have the chance to experience success and will enjoy being challenged as they develop as critical thinkers.


The Mathematics curriculum at Ashton Park

Ashton Park's KS3 curriculum has been created in conjunction with the National Centre for Excellence in Teaching Mathematics (NCETM) and Maths Hubs. The curriculum is arranged around the 6 themes of Maths Mastery:

Please click on either the button or image below to open a large pdf of the curriculum map for that particular year group.


Why is our curriculum sequenced this way?

Our curriculum has been sequenced to reflect the recommended order from the National Centre for Excellence in Mathematics Teaching (NCETM). The order of our curriculum deliberately includes spaced practice and interleaving in order to support our students with recall and the retention of key knowledge needed for GCSE, and A level. 

Knowledge organisers
Using the revision lists/knowledge organisers uploaded to google classroom at the start of every unit of work.

Assessment of the mathematics curriculum 

In mathematics there is an ongoing process to assess whether students have learned the knowledge and understanding of our intended curriculum. Students sit formal assessments at regular intervals through the year (roughly one per term). These assessments provide students with a range of questions that test them on their knowledge and understanding of the recent curriculum units. These assessments are then scored to decide if students are developing, secure or extending their knowledge and understanding.

In the table below you will find examples of the sort of mathematical knowledge and mathematical questions that students at each band complete. This is a work in process and more examples will be added as we move through the year.


Useful mathematics websites:


Supporting your child at home

We recommend this study guide and this workbook. If students bring these into school teachers can show the students exactly which parts link to our curriculum.