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Redland Green School

KS3 Personal development

The aim of the Personal Development curriculum is to develop you as an individual and as a citizen of our community. We aim to give you the skills and knowledge to be respectful and safe in the decisions you make.

The Personal Development curriculum at KS3 at Ashton Park aims to develop our students for life in the modern world. It focuses on four key threads that run through each year and across the curriculum:

  • Relationships and sex education
  • Healthy lifestyles (including mental health, drugs awareness and well being)
  • Careers (the 'Step Up' programme is used from Year 7 to Year 9)
  • Citizenship (including democracy and finance) 
Year 7 Year 8 Year 9

By the end of Year 7 students will have: 

  • A clear understanding of both the physical and emotional changes resulting from puberty
  • An awareness of a wide variety of relationships
  • An understanding of consent
  • knowledge of basic first aid
  • An awareness of potential harms to physical and mental health
  • Knowledge of different types of jobs
An understanding of their rights and responsibilities in school and society.

By the end of Year 8 students will have:

  • A clear understanding of the potential risks in online relationships and what the law is regarding sharing pictures or viewing inappropriate material.
  • An understanding on how to stay safe in romantic and sexual relationships, and where to go for support.
  • Knowledge of the facts and misconceptions relation to consent, including the UK law.
  • Knowledge of the physical and social impact of drugs.
  • An awareness of the link between the media, body image and mental health.
  • An understanding of the transferable skills from school to work.
  • Knowledge of the structure of the UK government
  • An understanding of how people are radicalised.

By the end of Year 9 students will have:

  • Knowledge of the different types of contraception and where they can be obtained.
  • An understanding of the readiness for a sexual relationship and the choice to delay.
  • An understanding of the consequences of unprotected sex.
  • An awareness of misogynistic behaviour and how to challenge it.
  • Knowledge of how to reduce harm from drugs.
  • An understanding of different mental health conditions.
  • Knowledge of how to respond to various medical emergencies.
  • Knowledge of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
  • Awareness of the impact and consequences of criminal activity.

Delivered as: Topic 1



  • Learning about the physical changes brought on by puberty is statutory.
  • Prepare pupils for dealing with transition and potential changes/conflict in a variety of different relationships.
  • Enable pupils to recognise unwanted contact.
  • Provide a clear understanding of what bullying is (including online) and to provide guidance on how to deal with it.





Core concepts:

  • - Marriage
  • - Civil partnership
  • - Homosexuality
  • - Cyber bullying
  • - Menstruation
  • - Menopause
  • - Consent

Delivered as:  Topic 4



  • Enable pupils to recognise negative and predatory behaviour in romantic and sexual relationships.
  • Guide pupils on what is legally acceptable in terms of consent and sharing material online.
  • Encourage self-respect and knowledge of boundaries within relationships.
  • Provide clear signposting on where to get further guidance and support.





Core concepts:

  • - Contraception
  • - Grooming
  • - Sexting
  • - Pornography
  • - Sexual harassment
  • - Sexual exploitation

Delivered as:  Topic 1



  • Statutory lessons on contraception, pregnancy, abortion and miscarriage.
  • Enable pupils to confidently consider readiness for a sexual relationship.
  • Provide an understanding of the possible consequences of unprotected sex.
  • Knowledge on the right to withdraw consent and capacity to give consent.
  • Enable pupils to recognise unacceptable misogynistic behaviour that leads to sexual harassment.


Core concepts:

  • - Hormonal methods
  • - Barrier methods
  • - Abortion
  • - Miscarriage
  • - Up-skirting
  • - Misogyny

Delivered as:  Topics 3 and 7



  • Pupils have an understanding of what influences health and how to establish healthy routines.
  • Enable pupils to build a sense of self-worth.
  • Provide more detailed knowledge on the different drugs and how they affect the body.
  • Enable pupils to have knowledge of and potentially use first aid in an emergency situation.








Core concepts:

  • Personal Hygiene
  • Mental health
  • Anxiety
  • Stimulants
  • Vaping
  • CPR
  • Shock (medical)

Delivered as:  Topics 1 and 5



  • Recognise the short/long term physical and social impact of taking drugs
  • Provide awareness of how the media can portray unrealistic body ideals.
  • Encourage to pupils to recognise that their self-worth is based on more than their appearance.
  • Signpost guidance and support for those who feel negatively about their appearance.







Core concepts:

  • Binge drinking
  • Cannabis
  • Heroin
  • Cocaine (crack)
  • Body positivity
  • Body neutrality
  • Self-esteem

Delivered as:  Topics 3, 5 and 7



  • Provide an understanding of how drugs and alcohol can affect decision making.
  • Knowledge of how to keep themselves and others safe in situations of substance use.
  • Make pupils aware of the signs of emotional and mental ill-health. Signpost where they can gain support.
  • Provide pupils with strategies to promote positive mental health.
  • Enable pupils to have knowledge of and potentially use first aid in an emergency situation.


Core concepts:

  • Addiction
  • Exploitation
  • County lines
  • Depression
  • Resilience

Delivered as:  Topics 2 and 6



  • Reinforce the APS Way and prepare pupils for increasing independence as they get older.
  • *Recognise diversity in school and the wider world.
  • *Empower pupils to challenge stereotypes, prejudice and discrimination.
  • Provide pupils with realistic knowledge on what things cost and how people are influenced as consumers.


*These lessons link directly to the teaching of British values


Core concepts:

  • School council
  • Prejudice
  • Stereotype
  • Discrimination
  • Homophobia
  • Active bystander
  • Consumerism

Delivered as:  Topics 2, 3 and 7



  • *Pupils have an understanding of the structure of parliament and how laws in the UK are made.
  • *Provide an awareness of the UK’s position and history within the commonwealth.
  • *Enable pupils to recognise extreme points of view and how/why they are shared.
  • Introduce critical thinking.
  • Make pupils aware of the risks of gambling, especially online.


*These lessons link directly to the teaching of British values


Core concepts:

  • Democracy
  • Dictatorship
  • Parliament
  • Government
  • Commonwealth
  • Radicalisation
  • Terrorism
  • Antisemitism
  • Islamophobia

Delivered as:  Topics 4 and 6



  • Clear knowledge of universal human rights.
  • *Provide an understanding of the BLM movement and Bristol’s part in that.
  • Enable pupils to recognise what hazing.
  • To support and enable pupils in managing risk in relation to gangs.


*This lesson link directly to the teaching of British values.




Core concepts:

  • Human rights
  • United Nations
  • Modern slavery
  • Black Lives Matter
  • Fair trade
  • Hazing
  • Peer abuse

Delivered as:  Topic 5



  • Develop aspiration
  • An understanding of foundation skills such as teamwork, organisation and creativity.
  • Knowledge of who and where to get advice and support. (Careers coordinator, Career Pilot).

Delivered as:  Topic 6



  • Pupils can reflect on the differences between school and work.
  • Knowledge and understanding of the personal learning thinking skills.
  • Enable pupils to assess their own use of these skills in and out of school.
  • Provide an understanding of what equal opportunities in the workplace means and how the laws are applied.

Delivered as:  Topic 2



  • Provide an understanding on qualities and skills required for a variety of roles and careers.
  • Encourage enterprise.
  • Enable pupils to feel confident in making the right option choices.


NOTE: If you would like to read more about our careers programme this is linked from our Careers page found here.