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A member of Excalibur Academies Trust

Redland Green School




 Linked Documents

 Governors' Register of Interests

Academy Committee Membership 2024/25 

Academy Committee Membership 2024/25

School Financial Benchmarking

EAT Scheme of Delegation 

Governor Attendance

Contact Information

Chair of Governors: LGBChair@ashtonpark.net             Tel: 0117 377 2777

Clerk to Governors: sharon.bennett@excalibur.org.uk    Tel: 0117 377 2774

A full attendance register of meetings is available by request to the Clerk to the Governors

Governor Information

Hello and welcome from the governors of Ashton Park School. 

We are proud to play a part in the ongoing story of this great community school and to support its values of Respect - Determination - Community.

Ashton Park School has been part of the Excalibur Academies Multi Academy Trust (MAT) since 2023, alongside fellow secondary school Redland Green and three local primary schools Ashton Vale, Compass Point and Luckwell. The core purpose of a MAT is to support school improvement in the widest sense: through collaboration between schools, with central support and shared values.

What do local governors do in our MAT?

Within the MAT the Academy Committee is a sub-committee of the Board of Trustees (see EAT website for more details). 

  • The Academy Committee has a strategic and monitoring role. We support the school in setting its vision and strategy, and hold school leaders to account for the quality of education the school provides. We act as a ‘critical friend’ to the senior staff team, offering support and asking questions. 

  • We ensure that the School is looking after the safety and wellbeing of all its pupils and its staff.

  • We act as an advocate of the school in public and in the community and within the Trust.

We are not involved in the day to day running of the school, which is the responsibility of the Headteacher and the Senior Leadership Team.

All governors are volunteers. Our board has a maximum of 14 governors, 3 of whom are elected by parents as Parent Local Governors, and two are Staff Local Governors elected by staff.  The others are drawn from the community, and they bring their wide-ranging experience to the board. 


What does being a governor involve? 

We meet 6x per year as a full governing body, usually at school although over recent times many of our meetings have been virtual. In addition each governor is linked to an individual senior staff member and area of school life (for example safeguarding, special educational needs support, whole school literacy and attendance) and takes on responsibility for understanding and monitoring what the school is doing in this area. This information feeds back into the school’s improvement process and contributes towards the Trust’s knowledge of the school.

The minutes of our main committee are available from the clerk.

Current school Governors are listed below - also see Membership document on this page:

  • Albert Gardiner.
    Chair & Community Governor
  • Richard Uffendell
  • Jonathan Poole
    Staff Governor
  • Daisy Hedges
    Staff Governor
  • Lisa Durston
    Parent Governor
  • Lucy Cartlidge
    Parent Governor
  • Jeff Hurran
    Community Governor
  • Nick Hassey
    Community Governor
  • Simon Flynn
    Community Governor
  • Allan Paltzer
    Community Governor
  • Andrea Becker-Ginster
    Community Governor
  • Chris Thomas-Unsworth
    Community Governor

Executive Pay

Excalibur Academies Trust Governance Information

As a member of Excalibur Academies Trust, further Governance information can be found here.