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A member of Excalibur Academies Trust

Redland Green School





At Ashton Park we take our safeguarding role very seriously.  However, we believe that as a community looking after each other is everyone’s responsibility.  As members of the Ashton Park community we should respect each other and understand, accept and celebrate each other’s differences (gender, race, age, religion, sexuality or disability) so that the care, happiness and safety of every single person is the concern of us all.

We try to foster this through our curriculum and teaching and our pastoral system.  When life isn’t so good for our young people we try to give them the support they need to get them ‘back on track’.

This webpage will give you information about the support that can be accessed within school and outside agencies that you can access and it will be regularly updated to give you the latest information for you to use to keep your children safe.  Some of this information will come from the students themselves, particularly our ‘Digital Leaders’ who will be giving advice on how to stay safe in this digital world.

If you have a concern about the well-being of your child at Ashton Park you should contact your child's tutor in the first instance, their Head of House or contact us through askdsl@ashtonpark.net.  However, if you feel your concern is more serious or if it is about a child from Ashton Park but outside your family then you can contact one of our safeguarding team.

The Safeguarding Team

Mr Mike Mantegna is the Designated Safeguarding Lead.  You can contact him on 0117 3772775 or askdsl@ashtonpark.net. He is supported by

Safeguarding Lead Practitioner

Mr Tom Shepheard

Miss Rowena Hector 

Mrs Shelley Bennett

Miss Daisy Roddick

Miss Ellie Homer

Other Support

If you are concerned about your child contact either their tutor or Head of House.  They will first of all discuss the matter with you and, if they feel it necessary, help you access other relevant support. 

Head of Achilles House - Ms McGirr – louisemcgirr@ashtonpark.net

Head of Apollo House - Mr Poole – jonpoole@ashtonpark.net

Head of Athena House - Mr Bittles – jackbittles@ashtonpark.net

Head of Zeus House - Ms Lonsdale – janinelonsdale@ashtonpark.net


As well as our own staff who offer a variety of services we may be able to direct parents and students to outside agencies who visit us in school, they include:

Brook Clinic – Relationship and Sexual Health Advice

Bristol Drugs Project – Substance Misuse

Off the Record – Counselling Service

Cath Moody – School Nurse


If you have immediate concerns about the safety of any young person you can contact First Response on 0117 9036444 (during normal office hours) or the Police on 101 or 999 (depending on how urgent you think it is).  Looking after children in our community is everyone’s responsibility.

Further Documents

Ashton Park Safeguarding Policy can be found on our policies page.

The DfE's statutory guidance on Keeping Children Safe in Education can be found via the gov.uk website